Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Start Thinking Of Yourself In A Fabulous Way

FabulousThink your words aren’t powerful? Think again. There is nothing more powerful than the thoughts and words we put out there. Our thoughts and words can completely result in the way we see ourselves and live our lives. They can control how worthy we feel and how high or low our self-esteem is. Think it’s just a coincidence that you talk about never having money and that’s your reality? Or what about how overweight you are? Or how good things never happen to you? Don’t you think that if you changed those thoughts you just might have a different outcome and a better outlook on your life?
And all of the above is just about us.
What happens when our kids are involved is a completely different story. They hear everything we say and hang on to our every word. They are impressionable, as we are their first influential role model in their life. When we say things about ourselves to our little boys and girls, they listen and they form an opinion of how things should be in life. Without setting out to do so, we are teaching them how they should think about themselves and everything in their own life.
When kids are young, they are in love with their mom. Little girls want to grow up to be just as beautiful as their mom. They want to mimic their mom’s every move, whether it’s how she talks on the phone to her friends, or how she puts her makeup on in the mornings. Little girls look up to their mom as a “how to be when I grow up” kind of thing. Little girls (and little boys) are impressionable and even if you think they aren’t listening, you’re wrong. They are. They hear so much.
And then you have little boys.
There is no one in the world that can compare to their mommy. They are in love with their mommy and want to marry her when they grow up. Most likely they end up marrying a girl similar to their own mom. There’s nothing like the love of a little boy to warm a mom’s heart. She’s his number one and vice versa (unless you’re my son and then I’m your number 65, which is like number 1 to him, ha, ha).
So with all of that being said, I came across an article yesterday that was posted on Facebook. Being that I had an eating disorder in the past, I see a lot of articles about body image, self-hatred, and negative self-talk, but this one stood out big time. As soon as I read this article, I knew that I wanted to say something about it. It was a powerful article that left me speechless. And with tears in my eyes.
“Dear Mum,
I was seven when I discovered that you were fat, ugly and horrible. Up until that point I had believed that you were beautiful – in every sense of the word. I remember flicking through…” 
Y’all, as parents it is our responsibility to do everything in our power to give our kids the most healthy mindset possible so that they can go out into the world and stand a chance. We are not here to put these crazy thoughts in their heads so that they grow up thinking they are fat, ugly, unworthy, or develop a low self-esteem. It is our job to make sure their self-esteem is so high so that when things in the world try to knock ‘em down, they are confident in knowing where they stand.

Please watch what you say to yourself and your children. Please guard your words carefully so that we can all stop thinking of ourselves in a bad way. Please raise your children’s spirits up and celebrate all the good that’s going on… because let’s face it, there’s a lot! Remember that it’s hard to be a parent, but it’s also the most important job you will ever have. Let’s do it right!

*Facebook: www.facebook.com/glambitionuniqueblendswithtonyia
*Instagram: www.instagram.com/trodriguezshort
*Twitter: www.twitter.com/tonyiashort1
*YouTube: www.youtube.com/reachtonyia
*Email: coachtonyia@gmail.com & glambitionuniqueblends@gmail.com
*Websites: www.glambitionuniqueblends.com

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